
In order to continue quality cooperation in the future and make it as efficient as possible, please keep in mind that Morava Airport is physically a border crossing area, which implies certain restrictions when shooting or taking photos, as well as in the movement of airport visitors.

Each arrival of a media representative is preceded by the obligation to announce the arrival in a timely manner by letter sent by e-mail or fax, in which the following information must be provided on the memorandum of the media house:

  • the media house you come from
  • reason, location and estimated time (date and time) of recording
  • names of all team members, with ID number
  • contact phone of the editorial office

The letter with the stated information should be submitted to the Independent Associate for Marketing and Public Relations at mail or fax number (+381 18) 458 30 03.

If the needs of the media envisage a stay in the border crossing zone, in addition to the approval of the authorities from the Airport of Serbia Ltd. Nis, the consent of the Bureau for Cooperation with the Media of the RS Ministry of the Interior is required.

Anyone wishing to photograph or photograph the property or employees of the airlines must first obtain the consent of the airline.

Additional explanations of the procedure related to informative recordings can be obtained in contact with the Independent Associate for Marketing and Public Relations Airport of Serbia Ltd. Nis

We hope that, by following the prescribed procedures, we will succeed in overcoming possible misunderstandings and achieve even better cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Airports of Serbia LTD Nis